The original Mortal Kombat arcade game spawned a franchise consisting of action-adventure games, a comic book series, a card game, films, an animated TV series, and a live-action tour. I'm just glad there wasn't some super obvious answer I had looked over in the game menu or on the label or something. Mortal Kombat is a media franchise centered on a series of fighting video games originally developed by Midway Games in 1992. I only have a few Genesis games, but MK1 is one of them, and I like playing any game with the controller it was designed for if possible.
My main interest in asking the question was to try to further determine where on my buying list a 6-button controller should fall. I think it was a CGR video refuting the AVGN Genesis vs. Flashback - The Quest for Identity (USA) (Alt) Start Game. In one video I recall watching the port of MK2 was then referenced with the 6-button controller as an example of how Sega/Midway fixed this problem, but it was left unclear as to whether or not MK1 supported the 6-button controller or not. Play Mortal Kombat Arcade Edition Enhanced v1.8 (Genesis) for free in your browser. Looking back on why I wrote that, the only reason I think that is because one of the criticisms leveled against the Genesis version of MK1 is that it didn't really offer an arcade-type experience because of the lower number of buttons compared to the SNES port.