qemu-screamer/qemu-img create -f qcow2 macos92.img 5G In our qemu-screamer directory, we will use qemu-img to create the disk image. I made mine 5 GB in size, which is plenty for Mac OS 9. We will need to have a hard drive image for our emulated system. This will create a binary in qemu-screamer/ppc-softmmu/qemu-system-ppc that we can use. configure -target-list='ppc-softmmu' -audio-drv-list='coreaudio' -enable-libusb -enable-kvm -enable-hvf -enable-cocoa In this case I am only compiling the emulator for PPC (32-bit).
I have also enabled LibUSB, KVM, HyperVirtualization Framework, and the Cocoa UI. Then configure the source to use MacOS CoreAudio. Start by cloning the fork of QEMU with experimental audio support: $ git clone -b screamer qemu-screamer If you do not have them, then this process may prompt you to install them (MacOS will do that).
You may need to install XCode and/or the XCode command line tools. You should be comfortable compiling software from source before attempting. These instructions work for MacOS High Sierra as the host OS, although with some tweaking they may run under Linux/Windows. Here is a short guide on how to build QEMU to run Mac OS 9 with working audio.