The story of the Loch Ness monster begins with water bailiff Alex Campbell on May 2nd, 1933. However, most of these stories come to light after the 1930’s or were indirectly connected to the tale of Nessie by believers who wanted to add credibility to the Loch Ness story. Though there are many versions of the Loch Ness story, most tales will include some reference to a large dragon or dinosaur-like creature that can be spotted in the waters of the Loch Ness and sometimes in the surrounding land areas as well. Every now and then Nessie will peek her head above the water before slipping back underneath the murky waters of the Loch Ness.
While not always visible to the public, you may get lucky should you choose to watch the Loch Ness carefully from the shore. With a long neck and powerful fins, Ol’ Nessie manages to bring the mysteries of the past into the present. In the depths of Loch Ness a monster of the ages lurks in the murky waters.